Carver: Cranberry Point: Siting Board Proceedings

  CLwpBS  battery bomb

In Massachusetts, siting board hearings concluded on 10/31/22 on PowerPlus Cranberry Point BESS storage system. The 150 MW project will be located in a residential neighborhood abutting cranberry bogs and over a sole source drinking water aquifer. Experts testified that CP's application was incomplete and did not have adequate protections for safety and prevention of air toxics in the event of a thermal runaway that will release toxic hydrofloruide gasses.

Protest against AD Makepeace greenwashing

  CLwpBS  AD Makepeace

May 4, 2022 Contact:Linden Jenkinslindajenkins177@yahoo.com606-986-8687 BOSTON, MA – Groups gathered outside Boston’s Westin Seaport Hotel today to protest the National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) award of “Private Company Board […]

Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS)

  CLwpBS  Battery

Read testimony to the Energy Facility Siting Board on battery storage risks. Promoted as “green energy” and part of the “transition to a clean energy economy” Battery Energy Storage Systems […]

Wetlands aren’t mines!

  CLwpBS  agricultural exemption

Mining companies claim they are exempt from wetlands laws as “agriculture” These “cranberry bog” and “farm projects” are a ruse to evade wetland and water pollution laws Groups go to […]