Carver: Lawsuit over drinking water contamination from leaking No. Carver Landfill

  CLwpBS  Carver

Residents sue Carver officials, consultants for covering up pollution entering Plymouth Carver Sole Source Aquifer

A lawsuit by North Carver residents outlines detailed events stemming from the Town’s operation of the North Carver Landfill that has led to groundwater contamination. The lawsuit alleges Carver and several town officials, including town administrator Milanowski, health agent Forgue, and consultants Landgon Environmental covered up drinking water contamination of private wells and issued false and inaccurate statements about the toxic chemical 1-4 dioxane water sampling results.

The nine count complaint filed in September 2021 includes claims based on fraud, false claims, civil conspiracy, trespass, and nuisance stemming from the 1-4 dioxane and PFAS contamination of the aquifer and drinking water supplies. A 2019 audit by the state DEP found the Town had issued false and inaccurate reports about the contamination.

The lawsuit’s allegations of fraud, civil conspiracy, and cover-ups appear to reflect a pattern of behavior by Carver public officials: distain for residents who raise concerns about public health and the environment and breach of their civic duty or worse.

North Carver Landfill: US EPA map

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