Carver: May 10, 2023: State EFSB votes unanimously to reject petitions of two proposed battery storage facilities

  battery bomb

BREAKING NEWS April 30, 2023 State says it plans to reject Cranberry Point application! ANNOUNCEMENT ON CRANBERRY POINT BATTERY STORAGE In a major win for opponents of the 150 megawatt Battery Energy Storage Facility (“BESS”) proposed for Carver, the state Energy Facility Siting Board (“EFSB”) plans to vote on May 10, 2023 to reject the petition of Power Plus of Texas to build the project. 

Carver: Cranberry Point Battery Storage Facility

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Texas based PowerPlus is proposing a 150 MW lithium ion storage battery system in a residential neighborhood in Carver MA. Governor Baker calls this clean energy-it will store electricity from fossil fuel plants until maybe some day in the future there is renewable electricity in SE MA that needs storage. Carver already has 19 large ground mounted solar projects with battery storage. We've done our part. Put it elsewhere.

Carver: Cranberry Point: Siting Board Proceedings

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In Massachusetts, siting board hearings concluded on 10/31/22 on PowerPlus Cranberry Point BESS storage system. The 150 MW project will be located in a residential neighborhood abutting cranberry bogs and over a sole source drinking water aquifer. Experts testified that CP's application was incomplete and did not have adequate protections for safety and prevention of air toxics in the event of a thermal runaway that will release toxic hydrofloruide gasses.

Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS)

  CLwpBS  Battery

Read testimony to the Energy Facility Siting Board on battery storage risks. Promoted as “green energy” and part of the “transition to a clean energy economy” Battery Energy Storage Systems […]