Carver: Cranberry Point Battery Storage Facility

  CLwpBS  battery bomb

Expert testimony on Battery Energy Storage Systems available here

John Hinckley, air expert, says Cranberry Point has not disclosed the air toxics that will be released during a thermal runaway or where they will go. Get his 9/2022 testimony here.

Milosh Puchovsky, fire expert from Worcester Polytechnical Institute says Carver Fire Department is not prepared for the dangers of Cranberry Point and thermal runaway. Get his 9/2022 testimony here

Proposed for Carver’s densest residential area, within a mile of elementary school, affordable housing, town center

State energy facilities siting board (EFSB) must approve project, hearings ended 10/31; EFSB meeting to vote planned for June 2023. More here.

Cranberry Point seeks total zoning exemption from state. read more on our website here.

Fire Chief Craig Weston, father Gary, leasing land for battery bomb. Westons also responsible for destructive earth removal and mining operation under the ruse of cranberry agriculture: read more on our website here.

Former Town Administrator Milanowski helped dupe Carver voters in 2018 by pushing for zoning change to allow Cranberry Point

Oct. 18, 2022: State environmental review office (MEPA) rubber stamps environmental impact report. read more on our website here.

Carver votes 384 to 72 for a moratorium on battery storage despite Cranberry Point opposition: read more here.

Cranberry Point told Carver Planning Board the coolant in the system is “not toxic at all”…This is a stationary system. Any risk would be a fire and this liquid would disappear with a fire.” Minutes here.

Borrego Solar-New Leaf proposing similar mega-battery storage project in Wendell, MA Environmental Justice community

Cranberry Point is located in the heart of Carver, MA over the sole source drinking water, feet from residences and close to the Carver Elementary School

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