Carver: Cranberry Point seeks exemption from Carver’s zoning laws

  CLwpBS  Aquifer

Carver Selectboard and Planning Board tell state they oppose Cranberry Point zoning exempt

More than 120 residents send letters to state Siting Board opposing Cranberry Point zoning exemption

Held private calls and meetings with Fire Department, Rick Lafond, former Town Planner, Conservation Commission self-selected group of insiders

Read the Select Board and Planning Board letters here:

On July 12, 2022 the state Siting Board held a public hearing on Cranberry Point’s request for a zoning exemption. Residents spoke out forcefully to urge the Siting Board to REJECT Cranberry Point’s application.

“Why would any company that has nothing to hide and is supposedly safe and states that they are environmentally friendly send Carver selectmen a letter requesting our town moratorium on battery storage facilities to not be allowed to be voted on by the citizens of Carver. They have gone as far as requesting to go around our town bylaws.” – Dan Ferrini, Carver Resident & member of Carver Concerned Citizens

“I believe in renewable energy but I also want to protect our town’s natural resources such as our water, natural environment and most importantly all the people of Carver.” – Dan Ferrini, Carver Resident & member of Carver Concerned Citizens

“During our town meeting in April 2022, 97% of voters agreed to issue a moratorium on any key battery facilities for 11 months to allow the town to update its bylaws to protect citizens from this type of danger. How can the state approve such a dangerous project to come into our small and rural town with our homes and schools just feet away from the proposed sites.” – Dan Ferrini, Carver Resident & member of Carver Concerned Citizens

“A predatory Texas energy corporation is trying to deny the right to self-government to a town, Carver, whose bylaws go back in unbroken lineage to 1620. They are fighting some of the literal last democracies in the world.” – Dr. Benjamin Cronin, Environmental Historian of Massachusetts

“The Plymouth Sole Source Aquifer lies beneath Carver and supplies drinking water to 130,000 plus people… Cranberry Point’s claims that this project would not threaten the aquifer are not credible.” -Dr. Benjamin Cronin, Environmental Historian of Massachusetts

July 13, 2022 EFSB hearing information is here:

Read Cranberry Point’s brief to the state Siting Board here asking for an exemption from Carver’s zoning laws.

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