Plymouth: Conservation Commission: Enforce the Wetlands Laws!


Plymouth's Conservation Commission was recently stacked with developers by the Selectboard. In September 2022, the Commission was off and running rubber stamping permits, issuing permits and opinions in violation of the Wetlands Bylaw and state wetlands law. We are pulling back the curtain on the Commission's violations and disregard for our wetlands, drinking water and wildlife.

Carver: Cranberry Point Battery Storage Facility

  CLwpBS  battery bomb

Texas based PowerPlus is proposing a 150 MW lithium ion storage battery system in a residential neighborhood in Carver MA. Governor Baker calls this clean energy-it will store electricity from fossil fuel plants until maybe some day in the future there is renewable electricity in SE MA that needs storage. Carver already has 19 large ground mounted solar projects with battery storage. We've done our part. Put it elsewhere.