This page documents some of the Earth Removal Bylaw and permit violations at the illegal Maki-Lopes mining site on Meadow Street in Carver, Massachusetts. The landowner claims is is an agricultural project by Alex Johnson & Son Cranberry Co. This is a ruse. Lopes Construction of Taunton runs the extraction and trucking operations.
Johnson is one of many so-called cranberry companies like AD Makepeace doing sand and gravel extraction under the guise of a cranberry operation. Johnson is actually a defunct cranberry company according to the Secretary of State.
A Notice of Intent to Sue letter was sent on Dec. 5, 2022 for damage to the environment.
An earth removal truck leaving the Meadow Street job site in Carver on April 22, 2022.

Heavy earth removal equipment used for sand mining is seen at the Bette Maki “cranberry property” on April 6, 2022.

Sand piles from earth removal activities disguised as cranberry farming at 0 Meadow Street in Carver. Photo taken on April 6, 2022.

A neighbor’s vehicle is covered in silica sand dust emissions from sand mining activities on Meadow Street. Photo taken on March 21, 2022

Entrance to 0 Meadow Street is covered in tire tracks from earth removal trucks. Photo taken on March 20, 2022

Below: Maki-Lopes 20 acre mining site claiming to be an agricultural project. Massive environmental damage and harm to abutting residents, homes, waterways.