Plymouth’s new Conservation Commission is stacked with developers
Commission approves wetland filling in blatant violation of the Bylaw, allows developer to ignore water supply protection zone
Ten Residents Group appeals to MassDEP
This is a 21-acre site across the street from the Town’s North Plymouth well. this well is the largest source of supply in the West Plymouth Service Zone with a capacity of 1.53 million gallons per day.

Wetlands protect and filter our groundwater. Plymouth is in the Plymouth Carver Sole Source Aquifer, a 199 square miles of aquifer overlain by permeable sand and gravel deposits. It is easily contaminated.

The North Plymouth Well has been contaminated by ethylene dibromide (EBD) an extremely hazardous chemical. The well has also tested positive for forever chemical Perfluorooctanoic Acid-PFOA.
The Conservation Commission allowed the applicant’s consultants, GAF Engineering and LEC Environmental ignore the public water supply. It did not review compliance with stormwater management standards.
We must demand that the Conservation Commission protect our drinking water and wetlands!