Forum on Wetlands Laws in Plymouth, Aug. 2022


Tips on how the general public can use wetlands laws in Massachusetts Helpful to to all MA municipalities, residents wanting to enforce the law Click here for PowerPoint presentation Click […]

Carver: Cranberry Point: Siting Board Proceedings

  CLwpBS  battery bomb

In Massachusetts, siting board hearings concluded on 10/31/22 on PowerPlus Cranberry Point BESS storage system. The 150 MW project will be located in a residential neighborhood abutting cranberry bogs and over a sole source drinking water aquifer. Experts testified that CP's application was incomplete and did not have adequate protections for safety and prevention of air toxics in the event of a thermal runaway that will release toxic hydrofloruide gasses.

Wetlands aren’t mines!

  CLwpBS  agricultural exemption

Mining companies claim they are exempt from wetlands laws as “agriculture” These “cranberry bog” and “farm projects” are a ruse to evade wetland and water pollution laws Groups go to […]