Plymouth: Claremont Plymouth LLC: Are they Zoning Bylaws or Why-Laws?

  CLwpBS  Aquifer

August 2022: Residents ask ZBA: Why have Zoning Bylaws if the ZBA just ignores them?

Sign posted in Colony Place announcing public hearing by Plymouth Zoning Board of Appeals. The notice lists all the waivers and exemption the developer is demanding from the ZBA. This includes a waiver from the laws that protect our drinking water.

Claremont Development wants a laundry list of waivers from our zoning laws. Those laws are to protect the public health, safety and welfare. Why should a developer get waivers?

Why bother to have Zoning laws at all if the Planning Board and ZBA grant so many waivers that it eviscerates them — making them meaningless. Why have them at all?

July 20, 2022: Plymouth Planning Board: Claremont Development presented their proposal. About 50 concerned residents attended the meeting in person and 40 on Zoom. The Sawyer’s Reach concerned residents group presented a list of concerns to the Planning Board and Town Planner. Westwood Village representatives also attended the meeting and oppose the development. Four residents spoke about their concerns. The meeting is continued to August 10, 2022 and Claremont developers are asked to provide answers to questions raised by the Board and concerned residents.

In July, 2023, the Planning Board purported to approve a “minor modification” of the decades old subdivision plan for the project to allow “reconfiguration” of the ponds on the site. Residents are asking why the Conservation Commission is not requiring an Order of Conditions under the Town Wetlands Bylaw and state Wetlands Protection Act.

2 thoughts on “Plymouth: Claremont Plymouth LLC: Are they Zoning Bylaws or Why-Laws?

  1. […] Plymouth/Sawyers Reach/Westwood neighborhood: Claremont Development project: about 200 units, aquifer protection district. ATTEND! Plymouth Zoning Board of Appeals, […]

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