Plymouth Beach Sand Project: A Folly?

  Aaron Keaton  AD Makepeace

  Plymouth’s $2.9 million beach nourishment project uses sand mined through the destruction of Carver’s forests and leveling of hills Above: Site of the 120-acre A.D. Makepeace sand mine in […]

Plymouth: Attorney General Slams Selectboard — Again

  Meg Sheehan  Aquifer

State Attorney General Slams Plymouth Selectboard for Open Meeting Law Violations Second time in 8 months Selectboard slammed by Attorney General Exposed the Town to up to $44,000 in penalties […]

Plymouth: Stop the Airport Expansion!

  Katherine Harrelson  Aquifer

The Plymouth Municipal Airport is located on South Meadow Road in West Plymouth and extends into Carver. The Airport is run by the Airport Commission. The Airport Commissioners propose an […]