Plymouth Conservation Commission: Whistleblowers

  coastal plain ponds

This page documents the failure of the Conservation Commission to do its job. It repeatedly violates the Open Meeting Law and issues waivers and exemptions with no legitimate grounds. West […]

Racial justice & sand mining: a Mashpee Wampanoag perspective

  CLwpBS  AD Makepeace

Save the Pine Barrens June 6, 2022 Hartman Deetz Racial Justice and Decolonization by Hartman Deetz Editor’s note: The Save the Pine Barrens campaign is working to protect the Atlantic coastal pine barrens in Massachusetts […]

Carver: Cranberry Point: Siting Board Proceedings

  CLwpBS  battery bomb

In Massachusetts, siting board hearings concluded on 10/31/22 on PowerPlus Cranberry Point BESS storage system. The 150 MW project will be located in a residential neighborhood abutting cranberry bogs and over a sole source drinking water aquifer. Experts testified that CP's application was incomplete and did not have adequate protections for safety and prevention of air toxics in the event of a thermal runaway that will release toxic hydrofloruide gasses.

Protest against AD Makepeace greenwashing

  CLwpBS  AD Makepeace

May 4, 2022 Contact:Linden Jenkinslindajenkins177@yahoo.com606-986-8687 BOSTON, MA – Groups gathered outside Boston’s Westin Seaport Hotel today to protest the National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) award of “Private Company Board […]