Take action with us! Grassroots activists in Southeastern MA have ongoing standouts to raise awareness about protecting our water & communities from illegal mining & industrial solar on forests

  CLwpBS  AD Makepeace

Standout at AD Makepeace headquarters for political fundraiser for Rep. Susan Gifford and others, Sept. 2022

Coming up:

Sunday Oct. 23, 2022 from 10 to 2 p.m. Meet at the public library (2 Meadowbrook Way, Carver).Standout will take place at Carver Town Hall (108 Main Street)

Email for details environmentwatchsoutheasternma@gmail.com or Facebook @LandWaterPlymouthArea or Instagram @savepinebarrens

Sept. 8,2022: Wareham @ political event hosted by A.D. Makepeace for Cranberry Country legislators. The site was on Tihonet Road, just down the street from ADM’s nightmare sand mining and solar projects.

Makepeace’s sand mining and solar operations have destroyed portions of the globally rare Atlantic Coastal Pine Barrens, displaced and killed rare and endangered species, harmed our community, and continue to threaten our drinking water. More people attended the stand out than the Makepeace political fundraiser featuring Rep. Susan Williams Gifford and Carver Selectboard member Mark Townsend.

Wareham Weekly news story of our standout here.

Standout, Boston 2022
Protesting PineGate Renewables toxic copper chromated arsenic treated poles used to mount solar panels in wetland cranberry bogs, 2022
Standout Carver, March 2022
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