Wareham: Residents, Town fight back: Don’t Kill Fearing Hill!

  CLwpBS  Ancient Way

Solar developer ConEdison proposes to clear-cut Pine Barrens forest, denude land for large ground mounted solar, batteries.

Site located on Weweantic River, ancient Native American trails to be lost.

Town’s Conservation Agent recommends denying the project, “there is no mitigation” citing “incredibly poor site selection for a project of this nature.”

Read about the unique natural resources of Wareham’s Fearing Hill here.

Read more about the destructive solar proposal here.

Read and Download the Fact Sheet on Fearing Hill here.

ConEdison has proposed a solar project in West Wareham that threatens to clear-cut one of the last remaining intact ancient forests in the lower west-side of the Weweantic River watershed. The Project is at 91 and 101 Fearing Hill Road, directly upgradient of the Weweantic River and residential drinking water wells. If executed, the Project will level scenic and historic hillside adjoining Town conservation land, and isolate a continuous wetland on its southern side. The draft project plans are here. Read the Notice of Intent for work in a protected resource area here.

However Wareham residents are pushing back against this project at the local Planning Board. For over two years, the residents of Wareham have spoken against approval of this destructive project.

In 2022 the Wareham Conservation Commission DENIED an order of conditions for this project, stating that the project cannot be conditioned to meet the performance standards set forth in the wetlands regulations. This denial of the order was based on the fact that clearcutting 22 acres of trees would inevitable alter the downgradient wetlands. Read the DENIED order of conditions here.

However, in 2023, ConEdison appealed the Denial of the Order of Conditions to the DEP. In an egregious decision that threatens to strike at the very heart of Wareham’s biodiversity and natural resources, in May 2024 the DEP sided with ConEdison and granted a superseding order of conditions for the project.

However, Wareham residents are fighting back. At the very last hour, a group of 12 Wareham residents appealed the DEP’s decision to the highest environmental court in the state, the MassDEP Office of Appeals and Dispute Resolution. Read the Residents’ appeal of the DEP’s decision here.

We’re at a critical time to stop this irresponsibly-sited project before a single tree is cut. The Project Developer has drawn new site plans in response to a critical hydrogeological assessment of the Project’s potential to generate increased storm water runoff and impact downgradient receptors. The hydrogeological assessment can be found here. Because the developer has drawn new site plans, the Planning Board must vote to approve those plans before the Project can go forward. With the superseding Order of Conditions in hand from the DEP, the developer will likely start going before the Planning Board again in June 2024. We urge Wareham residents to attend public hearings at the Planning Board to oppose this irresponsible project!

Community Land and Water Coalition will be present at all Planning Board hearings along with many Wareham residents opposed to this project. Please turn out to make your voice heard. Local residents’ voices matter when it comes to local decisions. Check our Calendar for upcoming Planning Board meetings. We need solar on our rooftops and in our parking lots, not in our forests!

1 thought on “Wareham: Residents, Town fight back: Don’t Kill Fearing Hill!

  1. I want to help. I’m tired of seeing this beautiful land torn down. Let’s preserve. Say no. I’ll be at the meeting

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