Don’t Pillage Plymouth!

  CLwpBS  AD Makepeace

Are you concerned about the destruction of Plymouth by massive development projects?

Are Town officials protecting our drinking water?

Are your concerns ignored by the Selectboard, Planning Board, ZBA and Conservation Commission?

Find out how you can use our local zoning and general bylaws to protect our drinking water and community!

Our community wants to see our forests and historic character protected. People are concerned about the rapid and uncontrolled destruction of our forests, drinking water aquifer and wetlands.

Get educated, attend meetings and get involved!

Here are a few of the most egregious and inappropriate projects and outrageous decisions by Town boards and committees with some info on what you can do.

North Plymouth: Pyramid Developers, Syracuse NY: Independence Mall: 200-lot car dealership, car wash and automotive service in an Aquifer Protect Zone! Pyramid Mall, Rountree public hearing.

North Plymouth/Sawyers Reach/Westwood neighborhood: Claremont Development project: about 200 units, aquifer protection district. ATTEND! Plymouth Zoning Board of Appeals, Dec. 7 public hearing. Bylaws or Why-Laws?

North Plymouth: The Walk: under construction-will strain the North Plymouth Well, restrictions imposed in 2021 by ZBA.

West Plymouth: Big West Pond: Priority Habitat for Rare and Endangered Species: Plymouth Conservation Commission being asked to enforce the Wetlands Bylaw to prevent ongoing, longstanding destruction.

South Plymouth/AD Makepeace strip mine 217 acres of pristine Pine Barrens forest and Priority Habitat for Rare & Endangered Species being mined illegally by AD Makepeace; violating wetlands laws by working with a permit; earth removal permit expired. You Tube drone video show mining and sand washing operation. ATTEND! Dec. 7, 2022 ZBA public hearing on expired earth removal permit.

South Plymouth/AD Makepeace Red Brook development: Wareham Road mining under the ruse of “site preparation” for more condos. August 10, 2022: CLWC seeks investigation and enforcement of earth removal bylaw via letter to Nick Mayo, Building Department.

August 3, 2022: AD Makepeace earth removal operation, Wareham Road, Plymouth. AD Makepeace claims this is earth removal for landscaping at Red Brook

Route 44/Route 3: On Collins Ave., Spencer Realty strip mine under the ruse of “site preparation” for a warehouse. ZBA member Peck calls it a “ruse” for earth removal, others rubber stamp. About $9 million being removed! You Tube drone video.

Long Pond Road/Old Exit 5: Spencer Realty-New Hope Church. Strip mining done by Scott Spencer for “site preparation” – another ruse. “We drink it-rethink it” campaign underway in opposition to this. On Nov. 30, 2022 non-profit group appeals to enforce zoning law against mining and to protect groundwater.

Long Pond Road/Old Exit 5: County Woodlot: County Commissioners proposing racetrack on former strip mine that is supposed to be a solar site. The old “bait and switch”!

August 16, 2022: Plymouth Conservation Commission voted 5-2 to rescind the “Rules and Regulations for Plymouth Wetlands Protection Bylaw violating due process and making it easier for developers to destroy wetlands. Read more here.

Learn more about how to enforce the wetlands laws to protect our groundwater. Educational Forum

Contact us with your concerns!

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