Carver: Support Battery Safety Bylaw at Town Meeting June 4, 2024

  CLwpBS  Aquifer


Protect our drinking water and community!

Vote YES on Article 16 at Town Meeting for a new battery safety bylaw

Town Meeting:  June 4, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. and may continue to the next day if needed

Check the Town Website for updates and make sure you are a registered voter!


Vote YES to pass a General By-law to improve the safety of industrial-scale Large Battery Storage Projects.  This new General Bylaw will require a permit to make sure safety features are in place.


Click here to see the Warrant Article for Town Meeting April 2024

In Carver, a Texas company, Cranberry Point is proposing a 150 megawatt lithium ion battery storage facility.  This is an industrial facility planned for the center of Town in a residential neighborhood. It will be close to homes, the elementary school and the Village Center in the Fosdick Road-Purchase Street area.

Vote YES to make battery storage safer in Carver!  

Vote YES TO require lithium-ion battery storage facilities over 10 megawatts to get a permit, have an Emergency Operation Plan that complies with National Fire Protection Standards, and be subject to permit enforcement by adding Section 9.9.1 to 9.9.7 to the Carver General Bylaws.

To find out more about Cranberry Point and the challenges Carver faces from Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) check out these pages:

Cranberry Point: 150 Megawatt Battery Energy Storage System, 31R Main Street, Carver: what the experts say about risks to our health and environment. Click here.

Join the effort:

Contact Carver Concerned Citizens direct message on Facebook

Call 718-450-5600


1 thought on “Carver: Support Battery Safety Bylaw at Town Meeting June 4, 2024

  1. Ban batter storage !

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