Carver: SLT Construction Operating Illegally in Plympton Says CLWC

  Meg Sheehan  Carver

SLT Construction Co. is illegally mining in the Town of Plympton MA says CLWC

Town asked to enforce the Earth Removal Bylaw to stop the illegal operation




July 8, 2024: Third Request of enforcement of Earth removal bylaws is sent to the Town of Plympton and their Board of Selectmen. The letter asks their to be an investigation into unauthorized earth removal at the site. Read the letter here. 

June 24, 2024: New evidence is submitted showing that the mining at the site on Lot 3 is illegal, and violates stormwater regulations. Read the memo here. A DEP hearing will be held on Sept. 4, at 100 Cambridge Street Suite 900, Boston, MA 02114.

May 15, 2024: CLWC sent a second demand letter to the Town of Plympton demanding that it enforce the town’s bylaws against SLT Construction. Read the letter here. May 15 2024 SLT Letter Final

The letter asserts “The evidence that SLT is engaged in large-scale earth removal on the Plympton side of the Property is indisputable.” The letter contains updated drone surveillance photos and a demand to enforce the Bylaw.

If the Town does not enforce the Bylaw, the public can go to court to enforce it.

Go to CLWC’s You Tube Channel to see drone videos like this one from December 2021 showing massive deforestation in just one day: here

Below: SLT Sand Mining Operation, Carver MA. December 5, 2021 showing last remaining stand of trees. This was the highest hill in Carver. It is an approximately 40 acre site on the Plympton Carver line off Route 44 going East at the Spring Street exit.

SLT is at the center of a public corruption investigation by the state Office of Inspector General

Read more about SLT’s wetlands violations here. 

In January 2024, the Town of Plympton denied SLT’s request for a demolition facility that entailed removing 100,000 cubic yards. Read more here.

Read more about the SLT site’s archeological significance here.

In 2022, CLWC tried to enforce the Carver zoning laws against SLT. The Town refused to enforce the law and sided with SLT.

Read more about the public’s effort to enforce the Carver Earth Removal Bylaw against the illegal expansion of the mining operation onto the adjacent “Marob” property here.

Below: May 13, 2024. 0 Spring St. 

The OADR from 2018 and 2022 don’t account for the impact on Rickett’s Pond and its Buffering Vegetative Wetlands (BVW) caused by sand and gravel deposits from the RPBP mining site, including Lot 3. These materials have been entering Rickett’s Pond since at least 2019. Since February 2018, the Project Site has undergone complete deforestation, alteration, and excavation to remove sand and gravel. These activities have significantly affected areas protected under environmental regulations. They could potentially change groundwater levels, which might affect the hydrology of nearby wetlands. Moreover, the changes in surface runoff patterns have redirected water flow from one sub-watershed to another, directly impacting the plant life and wildlife habitats in the surrounding areas. View drone footage of the site here. 

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