Carver: Former Town Administrator Michael Milanoski deceived Carver voters on battery bylaw, profiled in Boston Globe

  CLwpBS  battery bomb

Milanowski was Town Administrator who deceived, coerced and bullied voters to pass zoning change at Town Meeting that opened the door for Cranberry Point 150 megawatt battery bomb

Without the 2018 vote, Fire Chief Craig Weston & father Gary Weston could not lease their land to Cranberry Point

Weston’s battery bomb in Carver threatens health, safety, water according to experts

Westons also doing massive strip mine, threatening drinking water on Carver-Plymouth border

The Grafton Upton Railroad company is currently being sued by the Town of Hopedale, MA for its proposal to bulldoze thousands of trees and threaten water supplies for communities for an expanded rail yard. This project would involved bulldozing nearly 200 acres of forested land for warehouses, roads, and chemical storage. The President of this company, Michael Milansoki is the same person who, during the Carver Town Meeting in April of 2018, deceived, coerced and bullied the residents to vote YES for a zoning line item that allowed Cranberry Point to obtain permits. More on Cranberry Point here.

Scroll down to read the article and a letter from a Carver resident to the Massachusetts Energy Facilities Siting Board (EFSB) regarding this matter.


Mr. Gibeau:

I respectfully request that you add the following Boston Globe article to the record for Cranberry Point. Mr. Michael Milansoki, the President of the Grafton Upton Railroad that is mentioned in the article and currently being sued by the town of Hopedale, is the same person who, during the Carver Town Meeting in April of 2018, deceived, coerced and bullied the residents to vote YES for a zoning line item that allowed Cranberry Point to obtain permits. It is my position and the position of the 300 plus residents who voted YES on a moratorium that had we been told the truth about Cranberry Point’s real plans the town’s people would NEVER have allowed this project to be permitted. Again, based upon the deceit and coercion at the 2018 ATM it is the position of the residents of this Town that Cranberry Point’s permits should be rescinded as surely you would agree that they are voided based upon the deceit to the residents and that they should have to go through the whole process of permitting again, additionally we request, that Cranberry Point show the Town of Carver respect during the new permitting process and tell the truth.

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