Another case of Bylaws or Why Laws? So many zoning waivers why have Bylaws at all?
Plymouth Planning Board releases developer, Pyramid Mall, from protective covenant; allows 5 acres of protected land to be deforested, mined for 200-lot car dealership
Pyramid/Independence Mall required MEPA review – where is the proof this complies with MEPA?
This area was slated for “retail” — now a bait and switch?
Land swamp of 5 contiguous acres for two 2.5 acre strip along the road is not a 1:1 swap
August 15, 2022: Community Land & Water Coalition Comments to the Plymouth ZBA on Independence Mall/Rountree car dealership
Dear Chairman Main,
Please include this as public comments on the above ZBA matter for 8/17 for Independence Mall.
Unless there is a MEPA Advisory Opinion or a reason why one is not required the Planning Board vote to release the covenant on this site violates the state MEPA certificate.
The Planning Board has not responded to request for proof that the project is in compliance with the state environmental impact review certificate.
As such the ZBA should not approve this permit application until that matter is addressed.
MEPA has not responded one way or another to the request for proof of the advisory opinion.
Is this another case of a bait and switch and missing compliance documents?
This is another project in and near drinking water protection zones. All of the land use alterations in this area have changed groundwater flow direction. There is no indication that the developers have taken this into account. Why should the covenant whose purpose is to protect drinking water be released? The ZBA should ask the Planning Board to address this.
We are working with a hydrogeologist to review drinking water impacts.
Thank you.
Meg Sheehan, Attorney
Community Land & Water Coalition
August 2022 Request to state MEPA office for confirmation on Independence Mall drinking water protective covenant
Hello MEPA
Has MEPA issued an Advisory Opinion recently for EEA # 6600? (See attached MEPA list)
We can’t find one on your site.
We ask because a covenant with the Town of Plymouth Planning Board limits expansion of the MEPA EEA ENF 6600 area without an opinion from MEPA on whether an ENF is required for the expansion.
The proponent, Independence Mall is proposing a new 200 lot car dealership, car wash and car service facility in the area covered by MEPA Certificate 6600. The MEPA Certificate for 6600 was classified as “retail” for this location. The car dealership is not “retail” so was never reviewed by MEPA under 6600.
Thank you.
Meg Sheehan
Community Land & Water Coalition
[…] Pyramid/Independence Mall, Plymouth: Aquifer Protection District threatened by 200-lot car dealershi… […]