Our Advocacy

CLWC believes that all people have the right to a clean environment. Our work includes
providing access to justice for people who cannot afford expensive lawyers and experts.
We advocate using petitions, attending hearings and meetings and speaking, and
submitting public comments on regulatory decisions that affect Southeastern
Massachusetts. We help inform the public about how they can participate in these

As a last resort, we will file a lawsuit in court on behalf of the people and natural
resources that are being harmed by the unlawful activities like sand mining and zoning

We provide pro bono legal services (free of charge). CLWC’s advocacy is done by its
pro bono legal staff and when necessary law firms. All of CLWC’s activities are funded
by private and public donations through its non-profit fiscal sponsor, an IRS 501 c 3
organization. CLWC is one of many environmental organizations that use the law to
protect people and the planet from pollution and the corruption that often allows it to

“We fight for the wild spaces we love, the air we breathe, the water we drink and the
future of life itself.”