Johnson, Ryco claim this is “cranberry agriculture”
Operation has been dewatering, mining in the Aquifer
Some drone video of this expansive operation here
In 2011, federal jury found Johnson violated Clean Water Act by destroying 46 acres of wetlands to allegedly build cranberry bogs
Above: Jan. 25, 2023, Carver Earth Removal “public hearing” on Van Johnson’s expired Earth Removal Permit for “cranberry agriculture.” L to R: Bill Madden, P.E., GAF Engineering, Francis “Van” Johnson of Johnson Cranberries. Background: ERC member Dick Ward, cranberry grower, AD Makepeace employee John Mason, ERC Chair Ieronimo.
Above: Jan. 2023 STPB request for enforcement. It was ignored by the ERC and Town of Carver.
Below: Johnson Cranberries – Ryco Excavating mining site on Purchase Street, Carver showing stockpiling of sand excavated from the Aquifer, ready to be hauled off by Ryco for commercial sale. MassMapper 2019 Image